Video of booby-trapped school; homes, ditto
"The IDF Blog has a summary of today's events. Here is a brief excerpt:
“We continue to face an insane reality of booby-trapped tunnels and booby-trapped schools. In one neighborhood of 150 homes, over 30 homes were found to be rigged with explosives,” IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Avi Benayahu said. “Hamas is booby-trapping every home that is abandoned by its residents.”
Re Gaza War updates, I copied this from Ezzie's blog, because he phrased it so well:
"Just . . . a reminder . . . : Jameel & Aussie Dave are live-blogging everything from Israel (with some assistance from friends to keep it going 24 hours a day). Jack is rounding up posts and articles from all over consistently (usually twice a day). The IDF Spokesperson puts out official summaries and videos here and there. And it's worthwhile to plug an amazing blog: An Israeli Soldier's Mother.
that's scary... Hashem yishmor.
Didn't Golda Meir once say that Israel could forgive its enemies for killing Israeli children, but not for making Israelis kill the enemies' children?
Saw a link on Jameel's blog to your post about the rabbinic solidarity mission to Israel. Todah/thanks for letting us know.
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